Chess Engines

Strongest chess engines

Chess Engines: The Complete List of Chess Engines to Analyze Your Games


In the world of chess where strategic thinking and calculated moves reign supreme. The development of powerful chess engines has revolutionized the game. These engines powered by artificial intelligence and have reached unprecedented levels of sophistication, outperforming even the greatest human chess players. Among the impressive chess engines available.

What Is A Chess Engine?

A chess engine is a computer program that is designed to play chess. It uses artificial intelligence and algorithms to analyze the chessboard, calculate possible moves and make decisions based on strategic considerations. Chess engines are used in various applications, including computer chess games, online chess platforms and as tools for analysis and training.
Chess engines employ a combination of techniques and algorithms to evaluate positions and select moves. In addition to playing against human opponents, chess engines are widely used as training tools and analysis companions. They can provide real-time feedback and suggest improvements during or after a game, helping players identify their mistakes and learn from them.
Chess engines have also been utilized by professional players and coaches to prepare for tournaments and study the games of past masters. Chess engines have revolutionized the way chess is played and studied. They combine computational power with advanced algorithms to provide players with an unprecedented level of analysis, strategic insight and competitive challenge.

How to decide which is the strongest chess engine?

When evaluating and selecting a strong chess engine to discuss. There are several factors to consider.

Playing Strength:

One of the primary criteria is the playing strength of the chess engine. Stronger engines generally have more advanced evaluation functions, better search algorithms and deeper analysis capabilities. Ratings such as the Chess Engine Rating List (CCRL) or the Computer Chess Rating List (CCRL) can help you compare the playing strength of different engines.
Our analysis of the top chess engines will be based on the key status statistics provided by these two rating lists at the time of writing.

Reputation and Track Record:

Consider the reputation and track record of the chess engine. Look for engines that have performed well in tournaments or have been used by top players and chess professionals. Engines with a history of strong performance and consistent updates are generally reliable choices.

User Interface and Features:

Assess the user interface and features of the chess engine. A user-friendly interface with intuitive controls and customizable settings can enhance the overall experience.

Open-Source vs. Commercial:

Decide whether you want to focus on open-source engines or commercial ones. Open-source engines are typically free and have a large community of developers contributing to their improvement. Commercial engines may offer additional features support, and specialized versions.

Availability and Compatibility:

Check the availability and compatibility of the chess engine. Ensure that it can run on the desired platforms such as Windows, macOS, or Linux. Consider whether the engine is available as a standalone program or as part of a chess software package.

Developer Support and Updates:

Evaluate the level of developer support and frequency of updates. Engines that are actively maintained and regularly updated tend to incorporate improvements, bug fixes, and new features over time.

Most Popular Chess Engines

When it comes to popular chess engines, several names stand out due to their strong playing strength, extensive usage and community support. Here are some of the most popular chess engines that you can consider:


Stockfish is widely regarded as one of the strongest chess engines available. It is an open-source engine known for its exceptional playing strength and has been used by many top players and professionals. Stockfish has a large and active community of developers constantly improving its capabilities.
Stockfish has consistently ranked first or near the top of most chess-engine rating lists and as of April 2023, is the strongest CPU chess engine in the world. Its estimated Elo rating is around 3550. It has won the Top Chess Engine Championship 14 times.
CCRL Rating: 3550


Komodo is another highly respected chess engine known for its strong play and strategic understanding. It has consistently performed well in computer chess tournaments and is available as both a commercial and a free version.
CCRL Rating: 3529


Ethereal is a popular open-source chess engine. Ethereal is known for its strong play and continuous development.
You can choose the source code or pre-compiled binaries based on your requirements. Ethereal supports the Universal Chess Interface (UCI) protocol which is the standard protocol for chess engines.
Choose a Chess GUI: There are several chess GUI options available, such as Arena, Scid vs. PC or ChessBase.
CCRL Rating: 3487


Houdini is a powerful chess engine with a strong evaluation function and advanced search algorithms. It has a reputation for its deep analysis and has been used by professional players and coaches for training and analysis.
CCRL Rating: 3382

Leela Chess Zero (LCZero)

LCZero is an open-source chess engine that employs deep neural networks for evaluation. It has gained popularity for its unique approach and has shown impressive playing strength. LCZero relies on distributed computing and community contributions for training and improvement.
CCRL Rating: 3370


Fritz is a commercial chess engine known for its user-friendly interface and comprehensive features. It offers a range of tools for analysis, training, and playing against the engine or online opponents.
CCRL Rating: 3510


The Berserk Chess Engine is a state-of-the-art chess engine that combines advanced algorithms, machine learning techniques and deep neural networks to achieve extraordinary chess-playing abilities.
Unleashing Unmatched Strength:
The Berserk Chess Engine boasts unrivaled strength and formidable playing capabilities. It employs cutting-edge evaluation functions, efficient search algorithms and a vast knowledge base to analyze positions and calculate the best moves. With its immense computational power and deep understanding of chess strategies. Berserk has the potential to challenge and defeat the world’s top grandmasters.
Adaptive Learning and Continuous Improvement:
What sets the Berserk Chess Engine apart is its ability to continuously learn and improve over time. Through a process known as reinforcement learning, Berserk analyzes its own performance, identifies weaknesses and adapts its playing style accordingly. This self-improvement mechanism allows Berserk to stay ahead of the competition and adapt to ever-changing chess strategies.
It has influenced the way chess is studied, analyzed, and played. Chess enthusiasts, both amateur and professional, have eagerly embraced Berserk, utilizing its powerful analysis and training features to enhance their own skills and understanding of the game.
CCRL Rating: 3491


Rybka was one of the most influential and popular chess engines in the chess community. It made significant advancements in computer chess and achieved remarkable playing strength.It held the World Computer Chess Championship title multiple times.
Evaluation Function:
Rybka’s evaluation function was renowned for its accuracy and depth.
Search Algorithms:
The engine utilized advanced search algorithms, including alpha-beta pruning and selective search extensions, to efficiently explore the game tree and make optimal decisions.
User-Friendly Interface:
Rybka featured a user-friendly graphical interface that allowed players to customize settings, analyze games, and access its powerful analysis tools. It provided various display options and intuitive controls.
CCRL Rating: 3139


Shredder is a well-known and respected chess engine that has been popular among chess players and enthusiasts for many years.
Playing Strength: Shredder is renowned for its strong playing ability and has achieved success in various computer chess tournaments. It consistently ranks among the top chess engines and has competed at the highest levels of computer chess.
Search Algorithms:
Shredder utilizes advanced search algorithms, including alpha-beta pruning and various search extensions, to efficiently explore the game tree and evaluate different move possibilities. Its search algorithms contribute to its strategic decision-making process.
Evaluation Function:
The engine features a sophisticated evaluation function that assesses various positional factors, such as material imbalances, pawn structure, piece activity, king safety, and more. The evaluation function is constantly refined and optimized to improve the engine’s playing strength.
User Interface:
Shredder provides a user-friendly interface that allows players to interact with the engine. The interface offers customization options, analysis tools, and the ability to play against the engine at different difficulty levels. It also supports various chess notation formats for game recording and analysis.
Analysis and Training:
Shredder is widely used as a training tool and for post-game analysis. It can analyze games, identify mistakes, and provide insights into alternative moves and strategies. This makes it a valuable companion for players looking to improve their chess skills.
CCRL Rating: 3267


Fire is a popular and highly regarded chess engine known for its strong playing strength and competitive performance. Fire has gained recognition in the chess community and has been utilized by players and enthusiasts for analysis and play.
Playing Strength: Fire is recognized for its impressive playing strength and competitive performance in computer chess tournaments. It has consistently achieved high rankings and is known to provide a strong challenge to players of various skill levels.
Search Algorithms: Fire employs advanced search algorithms, selective search extensions, to explore the game tree and determine the best move. These algorithms help Fire make efficient and accurate evaluations during gameplay.
Evaluation Function: The engine’s evaluation function takes into account various positional factors such as material imbalances, pawn structure, piece activity, king safety, and more. The evaluation function is continuously refined and optimized to enhance Fire’s playing strength.
User-Friendly Interface: Fire typically comes with a user-friendly graphical interface that allows players to interact with the engine easily. The interface often provides customization options, analysis tools, and the ability to adjust the difficulty level or play against the engine.
Analysis and Training: Fire is commonly used as a tool for analysis and training. It can analyze games, identify mistakes or missed opportunities, and suggest alternative moves. This feature assists players in improving their gameplay and understanding strategic concepts.
Open-Source Development: Fire is often an open-source chess engine, which means it has an active community of developers contributing to its improvement. This collaborative development approach ensures ongoing updates, bug fixes, and enhancements to the engine’s performance.
CCRL Rating: 3417
These chess engines have a strong presence in the chess community and discussing their playing strength, features and notable achievements can make for interesting and informative.

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